Category: Who we are?

Who we are


HRM Srl was born from an idea of the Sole Director of the Company after having spent over ten years of experience in the management of health structures and, in particular, those of rehabilitation and social health assistance.

Before that, for about twenty years, also thanks to his basic cultural training, he had the opportunity to work closely with users and operators to understand very closely what it meant to "manage" health rehabilitation and socio-health activities.

Subsequently, a specific master's degree course and subsequent master's degrees in health management obtained at the most prestigious Italian universities, as well as a multi-year experiential experience at the top of many healthcare rehabilitation and social health care companies, determined the rest and created the possibility of meeting many professionals who gravitate around the organizations of these types of structures, verifying, after appropriate comparisons: preparation, aptitudes, correctness, effectiveness and efficiency. In short, the best of the professionalism required by the authorization and accreditation regulations.

Therefore, after having served with an employee and freelance employment relationship as General Manager, Company Supervisor, Company Director, Director of the Strategic Area, Communication & Marketing, Head of Company Training, Quality, Clinical Risk, Privacy and much more and after having met a medical professional specialized in physical medicine and rehabilitation, with an equally excellent cultural and experiential path, the Sole Director decided together with her to set up a Company that had as a key objective or, if yes prefers, as a core business, the overall management offer of rehabilitation and social health care facilities. Activities to be ensured, from time to time and according to needs, thanks also to the contribution of all the highest level professionals met during their respective professional careers, ready to make their knowledge and experience available to all client companies of HRM Srl.

A complete, clear, transparent service, also economic, but with the certainty of offering management tranquility to the owners of the structures and a prompt and unquestionable response to all the obligations of the public administration, for those who work under an accreditation and contractualization regime.

Without ever forgetting that experience has taught all those who offer their professional contribution to HRM Srl to seek the best solutions to reduce management costs (labor, tax, social security, etc.) and to increase revenues. (new and more sought after possibilities for development, participation in tenders, new accreditations, acquisition of structures, management strategies and search for funding, etc.). In other words, to achieve the highest level of efficiency while maintaining effective and quality management.


The Logo represents the two paths of the company. The precedent, identified by an unmistakable brand, already known and present on social networks for years, used in many events and communication occasions by the health authorities that have and continue to use the professionalism that make up the HRM Srl and the other that represents, in a stylized way, the acronym of the Society with the colors of the Italian flag in homage to the sacrifice of all time, and especially of this period, of all health workers. We must not forget, in fact, that HRM Srl was set up in full Covid-19 emergency, that is, ready to offer its contribution in the front line to direct the Healthcare Companies towards the best possible path to face the emergency and the resulting economic problems. .

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In honor of Andrew Martin, the bicentennial man (Bicentennial Man) of the film directed by Chris Columbus, based on the homonymous short story by Isaac Asimov and his subsequent novel Robot NDR-113, co-written by Robert Silverberg and Isaac Asimov.

Asimov is the creator of the three laws of robotics:

  1. A robot cannot harm a human being nor can it allow a human being to receive harm due to its non-intervention.
  2. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings, as long as such orders do not go against the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its existence, as long as the safeguarding of it does not conflict with the First or the Second Law.


The roots of the HRM Srl they were also nurtured from abroad and in particular from Malta with reflections of international competence. In fact, the HRM Srl was conceived and set up by the same professionals who follow WHM LTD (World Health Management - Limited Company).


The HRM Srl company was established by those who, for over 10 long years, have dealt with all the most innovative technologies that existed and exist in the world of rehabilitation and social health care, up to the most complex "robotics", taking care of the conception of the best paths, personnel selection, research, development, effectiveness and efficiency and the right health communication, achieving extraordinary results from every point of view.

International Accreditation (JCI)

In Italy, among all the existing public and private health structures, which number in the hundreds of thousands, only 23 can boast of having achieved Joint Commission International (JCI) international accreditation, which is the most prestigious.

One of these is present in the Puglia Region and is among the very few present in Central and Southern Italy.

This result has been achieved by the healthcare facility concerned thanks to the team that is now present in the HRM Srl, led by the Chief Executive Officer himself (CEO) which today drives the HRM Srl.

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